Terms of Use

1. Acceptance of Terms
By accessing and continuing to use the Site, you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please do not access or use the Site.
2. Modifications and Notices
Anishinabek Consultants may revise this Agreement, at any time, by updating this posting. Anishinabek Consultants may provide notice to our users of such revisions by means of a general notice on the Site. Continued use of the Site after such revisions are posted will signify your agreement to these revised terms. Therefore, you should visit this page periodically to review this Agreement.
3. Ownership
All materials displayed or otherwise accessible on the Site, including without limitation, text, photographs, images, illustrations, graphics, icons, code (collectively, “Materials”) and the selection and arrangement of the content of the Site are protected by copyright, pursuant to Canadian copyright laws, international conventions and other copyright laws. Anishinabek Consultants either owns the intellectual property rights, including copyright, or has acquired the necessary rights and/or licences, in the Materials. Portions of the Materials may have been licenced to Anishinabek Consultants and/or published on the Site by third parties. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, sale, distribution, display or exploitation of the Site or Materials, whether in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Anishinabek Consultants is strictly prohibited.
4. Limited Licence
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are granted a limited licence to access, view and use the Site, including a limited licence to download, print and store single copies of Materials from the Site, for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such items. Such Materials must not be reproduced, republished, or disseminated in any manner or form without the prior written consent of Anishinabek Consultants.
5. Children
The Site is not intended to be accessed or used by minors. Minors in the country, province or state in which they live, can only use the Site with the approval of a parent or guardian.
6. Submissions
As permitted by the Site, you may be able to post, transmit or submit content, including, but not limited to, resumes, job postings, upcoming training and education programs, workshops, seminars and conferences (collectively, “Messages”) to the Site. Anishinabek Consultants accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with, or arising from, such Messages. Anishinabek Consultants does not endorse the content of Messages submitted by users to the Site. Messages submitted to the Site are not necessarily reviewed by Anishinabek Consultants prior to posting and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Anishinabek Consultants. Anishinabek Consultants makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the content of the Messages or the accuracy, timeliness and reliability of any Messages or other materials on the Site. Nonetheless, Anishinabek Consultants reserves the right to prevent you from submitting Messages to the Site and to edit, restrict or remove such Messages for any reason at any time. Anishinabek Consultants assumes no responsibility for actively monitoring the Site for inappropriate or outdated Messages. If at any time Anishinabek Consultants chooses, in its sole discretion, to monitor the Site, Anishinabek Consultants nonetheless assumes no responsibility for the content of the Messages, no obligation to modify or remove any inappropriate or outdated Messages, and no responsibility for the conduct of the user submitting any Messages. You agree that Anishinabek Consultants accepts no liability whatsoever if it determines to prevent your Messages from being submitted or if it edits, restricts or removes your Messages. You also agree to permit any other user of the Site to access, view, store or reproduce your Messages for that other user’s personal use and not to restrict or inhibit the use of the Site by any other person.